All the ways The Horizon Object exists 09 – 31/07/2018
- The actual event itself –I am hypnotised by my dentist in 1981
- My memory of that event – write this up
- Senga’s memory of that event – write this up – both of these are ‘eye witness’ accounts and are accessible
- The memory of the event in the minds of others, but are inaccessible (either because of death) Dr GWFS, or because they are unknown to me (the dental nurse, the other two children who were hypnotised that day, the people who made/worked on the film, camera crew, editors… – Producer/writer/director: Michael Barnes; cinematography: David Whitson; film editing: Dave King)
- The two descriptions of the event in academic papers – write this up
- The raw video footage of that event (this must have included the faked arrival at the dentist and probably no longer exists – check with the BBC policy of taping over around time of production).
- The edited footage of the event that ended up in the Horizon Programme – write up the dialogue of this directly from the video.
- The broadcast event of that footage – and by this I mean the footage itself and the event of watching it (my family) and of taping it (Uncle Peter).
- The betamax tape of that footage – get a photo of this tape – place it with the video tape of BR.
- The dvd digital transfer of that footage
- The version of the footage that is used in Peter the video
- The version of the footage that is used in nou the video
- The version of the footage that is used in Peter the book
- The version of the footage that is used in nou the book
- The footage as it is referred to, but not seen, in Peter, nou the videos and the books, (and on website?)
- The event as it is referred to, but not seen, in Peter and nou the videos and the books
- There’s also the event as it is taken out of context of the entire Horizon programme and includes just that 5 minutes of just me. (time the actual length of my bit in Horizon).
- It turns out this wasn’t an episode of Horizon at all, but a stand alone documentary by ex-Horizon producer Michael Barnes. Don’t change the name of it now though.