

Captain G.W.F. Smith M.C.

Transcript of Military Cross Citation

Brigade – 77th Indian Infantry

Division – 3rd Indian

Unit – Highland Light Infantry attd. 3/6 Gurkha Rifles

Date of Recommendation – 27 June 1944

Regtl. No. – 200972

Rank and Name – Captain George Watt Fairfull SMITH

Action for which recommended:

Captain FAIRFULL-SMITH took over command of ‘C’ Company, after Major BARBER was wounded at KAYIN. On (illegible) June 44, his company was ordered to capture the pass north of UHMAN TAUNG in the preliminary stages of the battle of MOGAUNG. By a skillful and bold personal reconnaissance he found the extent of the enemy positions which were occupied by thirty Japanese dug-in and wired-in with LMGs and Discharger Cups as their main defensive weapons. He also found out the only feasible line of advance into their positions. He led his Company in a silent crawling advance to within thirty yards of the enemy positions from where they threw fifty grenades into Japanese positions at the same time spraying the positions with an MMG and all their LMGs. At the same time he had ordered his men to shout and scream which they did with great effect. Immediately the last of his grenade had burst this officer went into the attack with his leading platoon. The enemy fled in rout leaving arms, ammunition, bedding and rations behind. He quickly consolidated his position and beat off a counterattack. During this attack his Company suffered only one casualty. It was entirely due to this officer’s courage and his superb reconnaissance, his confidence in himself and his determination in pressing home his attack that two dug-in and wired-in positions were take with only one casualty.

On 9th June 1944, his company was ordered to capture MOGAUNG. Again he did a personal reconnaissance on untold value. Again he led his Company in a silent advance and after throwing a shower of grenade into the Japanese positions charged right in. He evicted an enemy Platoon with only two casualties to himself. In those two actions, Lieut FAIRFULL-SMITH showed military skill of a very high order. His complete disregard for his own safety, his boldness and confidence in himself, bred a confidence and determination in his men which was unbeatable. He was later wounded in the leg and evacuated, but the spirit he had taught his Company remained with them until the fall of MOGAUNG. Throughout the campaign his cheerfulness under every kind of condition, his ready smile and cheering words for everybody set a superb example to all ranks of his Regiment.

Recommended by…

(London Gazette, 26.04.1945)